lunes, julio 26, 2010


Oh Misty

When i first saved your gym, i won your badge, but you also won my heart that day, never gave it back but with you it´s best to stay.
For your tears hurt me more than a grass pokemon on fire, i gotta catch em all but only your love i desire.
Your eyes light up like a thunderbolt of pikachu, you complete me Misty like a pokemon red to my blue, yes it´s true i´d give the whole world just to please you.

Misty, i choose you.

Seguiré con lo mio.

2 comentarios:

misaki dijo...

ahh que pokeromàntico xD

Blackzero dijo...

dios mio... nunca crei leer algo asi aqui... aunque despues de todo, tiene sentido


Grax Mijita >3~
12 / 09 / 2006 - El día en que mi Play Station 2 Murió